Thursday, March 10, 2011

Response to an important question

In a social justice class about a month ago the class was asked to write a response to the following question "Why is it that people are more likely to respond to the indiscriminate killings of animals than to the indiscriminate killing of people?" Here is my response to this question.

It is easier for people to look past the real issues in the world. People don't want to hear about child poverty, child labor camps, genocide and war. They would rather focus their attention on abandoned puppies and baby seals. Don't get me wrong, animal conservation is an important to a degree, but it is not important enough to distract people from the real, serious world issues. It is appalling and disgusting to think that someone would value the life of an animal more than that of a human. On a worldly scale, the slaughter of dogs, cats and other animals is completely insignificant. Next time you think about donating to the SPCA, DON'T! Donate to people who are actually in need.