Monday, November 22, 2010

Hundreds killed by human stampede in Cambodia

people panicking during the stampede
Massive crowds gather every year for one of Cambodia's main events. The water Festival. On the final day of the water festival a large group of people overcrowded a bridge, it is unknown as to what caused the panic.

All of a sudden people were desperately trying to get off the bridge, people who tripped and fell were trampled and killed. An estimated 340 people were killed and 410 people injured. This is truly a tragic event not only for the people of Cambodia, but for the families of foreigners who were killed.
When countries hold an event that attracts thousands upon thousands of people to a small area, the local government should be responsible for the safety and security of these people. In this case, Cambodia should have put measures in place to protect the festival goers from piling up on bottlenecks such as bridges. I am not exactly sure how this could have been accomplished. Instead of spending loads of money on identifying dead bodies, they should spend their money on preventative measures.

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