Thursday, May 26, 2011

Taxpayer money slaughtered as well as a couple of sled dogs

An issue that has been generating a large amount of public outcry has been the killings of the Whistler sled dogs. About 100 dogs were killed inhumanely at Outdoor Adventures in Whistler. The SPCA is launching a full scale investigation that could end up costing more than $225,000. Why there is a need for an investigation I am unsure. The owner of the sled dog company admitted as to how the animals were killed.

It is important to note that the sled dog company did bring in a veterinarian to humanely euthanize the dogs, but the vet refused to kill healthy dogs. The BC SPCA somehow managed to get $100,000 from the BC government to fight animal cruelty, but will be using the money to perform autopsies on these dogs. Fighting cruelty toward animals is an important thing. But something that is more important is fighting cruelty towards taxpayers dollars. This is a gross misuse of  $100,000. Using this large amount of money on animal autopsies for one incident is ridiculous. That money could have been spent on autopsies on murdered people to solve murderer,s and catch real criminals. So remember to donate to the SPCA, but only if you value the life of animals over the life of humans...

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